
A film by Diego Murillo

In the midst of a Brooklyn winter, the routine of an exiled Venezuelan woman is disrupted by unsettling messages from back home, as a recurrent presence roams near.

En medio del invierno, la rutina de una mujer venezolana exiliada en Brooklyn es interrumpida por angustiantes mensajes de su familia, mientras que una presencia recurrente merodea a su alrededor.

Director statement

Antílope (Antelope) is a vivid and intimate tale about loss, solitude, and exile.

With a mixture of drama and mystery, it blends the routinary with the unexpected and the odd, portraying the inner and outer world of its protagonist.

Being the basis of the story factual, truth becomes one of the greatest elements in this project. Although all stories are at some degree autobiographical, Antílope blurs the line almost completely, making the project a hybrid, a sort of reenacted fiction that plays with fantastic elements.

The Venezuelan crisis, the moving of Amanda (who portrays Igua) to New York City, the family struggling back home, the Brooklyn apartment, the uncertainties of the immigration process, the restaurant and its people, the feelings and burdens, they are all true and recent. And even though the crisis is not shown directly in the story, it serves as a backbone, as a force that lingers in the mind of the protagonist, invisible for those around her.

Directed by
Diego Murillo

Written by
Amanda Isea Lopez & Diego Murillo

Director of Photography
Brandon Yoon

Produced by
Amanda Isea Lopez, Nick Jones, Juan Carlos Lossada, Diego Murillo, Rafael Lacau

Diego Murillo

Sound Design by
David de Luca

Key Cast
Amanda Isea Lopez as Igua, Nick Hlinka as Co-worker, María Elena López as Madre, Dayza as The Dog.

Mike Ambs

I love to film things, tell stories, and read on the subway. I'm pretty sure blue whales are my power animal.


