Q&A with Peter Dolshun


A conversation with filmmaker Peter Dolshun on his short film, Reflections.

How did you first get into filmmaking?

Making videos and short films with my childhood friends was my introduction to filmmaking. Back then, I just thought of it as something we did for fun. But, while I was exploring possibilities for my future, someone recommended film school. I took advantage of the experience and exposed myself to a variety of techniques and ways of storytelling. From there, I discovered how to use film as a form of self-expression.

What was your creative process for this film?

The making of this film happened very organically. Jessica [the dancer] and I had been wanting to work together for a long time until we finally were able to set a shoot date. We went into the day with a rough idea of what we wanted to capture but allowed ourselves to follow any random inspiration on set.

During the two hour drive to the exterior location, we learned more about each other and discussed past relationships. Jessica was fearless in her vulnerability and a conversation we had in the car is what inspired the voice over that made it into the film. 

We had time to kill before golden hour so we hung out by a river for a bit. I believe this moment with nature relaxed us both and had an influence on the way we shot the scenes out in the field.

Our ability to connect with our surroundings that day and Jessica’s openness to share her past is what made the film what it is. The circumstances of this shoot would be extremely difficult to recreate and I think that’s what makes it special.

What projects are you working on next, and how can people who are interested best support or follow you.

Next up, I’m working on a documentary that will follow a collective of artists traveling to Costa Rica. The core themes of the project are exchange and community so I’m excited to capture the events that take place in the jungle and share the experience with others. 

I usually post about recent projects on my Instagram @peterdolshun and you can view my entire body of work at peterdolshun.com.

Mike Ambs

I love to film things, tell stories, and read on the subway. I'm pretty sure blue whales are my power animal. 


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